Valencia 5G Day
7th June 2021
Last 7th June, Valencia held a major event in the field of 5G in Spain: the Valencia 5G Day (V5G Day), which presented the latest advances in 5G, namely applied to industry. During the event, companies from all over the world put into practice the enormous capabilities of the technology of the future.
Universitat Politecnica de Valencia organised the digital media table, where the impact of the 5G into the audio-visual and media industry was discussed. The table was moderated by Irene Alepuz, 5G-RECORDS deputy project manager. Besides, Lola Perez Guirao, from Sennheiser a 5G-RECORDS partner, was one of the panellists. During her speech, Lola presented the 5G-RECORDS project and highlighted the benefits of the 5G not only for the audio visual and media industry but also for the end user. The rest of the members of the table were Carmen Pérez from RTVE, Javier Montesa from Brainstorm and Cristina Peñas from Axion.