Now available Deliverable D5.2 Trials initial deployment
28th April 2022
5G-RECORDS is proud to announce that deliverable Deliverable D5.2 Trials initial deployment now public and available on free download from this link.
The present document describes the outcomes of the initial trials planned in D5.1. These will be structured around the use cases, each one led by the champion in brackets: Live audio production (Sennheiser), Multiple cameras wireless studio (Ericsson) and live immersive content production (Nokia). The trials will focus on the demonstration and application of 5G technologies involving those applicable to RAN and Core and the newly developed integration components to support the different requirements and functionalities of each use case. The 5G and media production infrastructure capabilities in terms of relevant KPIs will be tested against different configuration and deployment options in order to stress the network conditions and evaluate the limits. In addition, performance and capabilities of edge computing and network slicing with specific SLA will also be assessed. This activity also targets the deployment of VNFs to realize specific functionalities in the targeted scenario. Along the project, the trials will be further developed in order to increase complexity in terms of the use case and its components.