Now available Deliverable D5.3 Final trials and technology validation
31st October 2022
5G-RECORDS is proud to announce that deliverable Deliverable D5.3 Final trials and technology validation now public and available on free download from this link.
This deliverable describes in detail the final tests and trials of the 5G-RECORDS project after the first phase of development, integration and preliminary tests. During the second phase of the project, the trials focused on the validation of the 5G-RECORDS components and endto-end (E2E) solutions in the context of the three use cases: live audio production, multiple cameras wireless studio and live immersive content production. The tests and trials were performed under real conditions to assess to what degree 5G fulfils the specific use-case KPIs and technical requirements. Several metrics and results have been collected to study to which degree 5G fulfils the technical KPIs and requirements of the project use cases in the context of professional content production.