



3rd Day of the IEEE BTS Pulse 2021


11th February 2021

Day 3 of the IEEE BTS Pulse 2021 was dedicated to 5G content production. The session was organized by the 5G-RECORDS project. This session explored the opportunities and challenges of 5G for the professional audio-visual content production industry. 5G offers improved performance in terms of bandwidth, reduced latency, timing and quality of service. It is expected that standardized 5G-based solutions would bring down production costs and increase the operational efficiency and flexibility of production workflows, in particular in news gathering, remote production and coverage of live events.

The session started with a presentation of the activities led by the European Broadcasting Union on 5G content production, which has successfully engaged in 3GPP Release-17 5G standardization. The session continued with presentations from Ericsson and Nokia about key 5G technology enablers for professional content production, such as network slicing for guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS), Non-Public Networks, mimilimeter wave frequencies, edge and cloud computing, etc. The on-going technical work in 5G-RECORDS to enable the three use cases was then presented, and the session concluded with an open panel discussion.

The agenda of the session was:

Opening Remarks – Session Chair David Gómez-Barquero
5G in content production - the European perspective - Ian Wadgin
5G Technology Enablers for Content Production – Part I - Thorsten Lommar
5G Technology Enablers for Content Production – Part II - Pablo Perez
5G Wireless Studio - Paola Sunna
5G for Live Audio Production - Maria Perez
• Panel Session and Q&A


